Current Salary:
- Degree in Accounting
- Managed Staff
- Project Management
- Client Relationships
They have a strong track record of effective financial statements reviews and analysis, and internal controls and process improvement. A capable team leader, supervising and guiding junior engagement team members to the achievement of team goals and enabling clients to achieve business objectives.
Feel free to get in touch with Carol on 01223 919 409 or email to have an explorative conversation about this person's background if you are looking to appoint someone like this within your organisation.
Exact Sourcing is a recruitment agency in Cambridge and Newmarket, and we also serve Ely, Bury St Edmunds, Haverhill, Royston and Sawston. If you’re looking to make your next move, please contact us for an initial discussion.
Welcome to Exact Sourcing! We are a multi-award-winning recruitment agency with offices in Cambridge and Newmarket, and we also serve Ely, Bury St Edmunds, Haverhill, Royston and Sawston.
Welcome to Exact Sourcing! We are a multi-award-winning recruitment agency with offices in Cambridge and Newmarket, and we also serve Ely, Bury St Edmunds, Haverhill, Royston and Sawston.
St. John’s Innovation Centre
Cowley Road, CB4 OWS
Phone: 01223 919409
16 Clocktower Mews
Suffolk CB8 8LL
Phone: 01638 661333
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